Friday, July 15, 2011

Crying Out for God

In the Psalms, we read again and again the phrase "hear my cry".  And again and again, God does, in fact, hear our cry.  I know He has heard me in my own life, and I've seen the result of Him hearing others.  Doesn't that just send chills down your spine?  You and I -- pitiful little creatures that we are -- have the right to cry out to our very Creator, the One who breathed time and all things into existence!  And He will hear us!

The power of prayer...such a simple phrase, and yet what an incredible truth it is.  I have seen so many answered prayers -- prayers for healthy babies, prayers about financial concerns, jobs, school, you name it!  And they are all answered.  Oh, they may not be answered according to my will, at the time; but so many times, especially now that I'm older, I look back and can clearly see that God answered my prayers according to His will, and that it was always for the best!

God heals hearts and bodies in answer to our prayers.  He puts opportunities before us.  He blesses us with material blessings -- homes, clothing, food, and with most of us, a lot of "extras", as well.  He answers prayers for guidance and wisdom.  He hears all of those requests.  Amazing!

But if that isn't enough for you, how about this:  "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."  (Romans 8:26 - 28)

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by something in your life that you didn't even know what to say to God?  And isn't it a comfort to know the Holy Spirit intercedes for us?  When I was so distraught over my father's health, and later my mother's, I took great comfort in knowing the Spirit was willing and able to step in on my behalf.  When my husband or I have been looking for a job, and I've reached the point where I don't know how else to ask for God's help and guidance, I know the Spirit has stood with me.  When I've been so happy that my own inadequate words couldn't express my joy and thanksgiving toward God, the Spirit was there.

I wonder how many people feel like they are alone because they don't know what to pray.  But always remember, when you cry out to God, He hears you.  And when you're so discouraged or troubled that you can no longer even cry, know this:  you are not alone.  If that doesn't make your heart happy, nothing will!

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